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4922 Thompson Parkway
The Town of Johnstown began with the vision of Harvey J. Parish before its platting in 1902. The town was named for Parish's son. The town was incorporated in 1907.
A meteorite fall in the adjacent former town of Elwell on the afternoon of 6 July 1924, became known as the Johnstown meteorite. It was notable with a number of large pieces of the broken-up asteroid recovered, including one of 23.5 kg (52 lb) that impacted into the Earth to a depth of 1.7 m (5.5 ft). The meteorite fell during an outdoor funeral service with more than 200 people attending who witnessed the event or heard the several stones falling. The meteorite is classified as an "achondrite stony meteorite of the diogenite class in the HED group" of meteorites that are believed to have hived off of the asteroid Vesta approximately one billion years ago.